Thursday, August 2, 2007


at the oracles request, here're some random pics that i thought were nice/funny heh. enjoy!

presenting to you..
our new shorts/tights for the season.

team cohesion session 1

training at cavendish high

hmm whats kristy doing with her hands in her pants haha.

aussie barbecued hotdogs


citycat ride!

kristy resident dj in the minivan


games on whites hill (okay i cant remember the name i might have gotten it wrong haha). some of us decided to watch from the van cuz it was just too damn COLD at night. dont know how we could bear to strip off our tracksuit to play in shorts and jersey a few days earlier haha.

aussie training camp! but we were too intimidated to actually join in so we had a good time watching.

strawberry farm! where we almost bought up all the jam they had.

pretty sunset on the way back

parade we saw on our final day while making last minute purchases i.e asics touch shoes and havianas heh

touch. love it. :)